Monday, June 3, 2013

T-118 Days; Orientation

Today was the orientation for all of Chico study abroad.  Apparently there were 250 students, which is the biggest orientation they’ve ever had.  And in all of those 250 students, there’s only one going to Wales.  Me.

That would have been fine, exciting even, that I was the only one accepted to a somewhat competitive program, or programme rather, but it was really just annoying for other parts.  I think the most exciting part was that they actually called Wales in the country shout-outs, although I’d already stood up for England, since I didn’t think they’d consider Wales to be different.  No one else does.

We talked a lot about culture shock, which is a little worrying for someone who already struggles with an amount of depression, so don’t be surprised around a month after I move when I start posting really morose stuff about wanting to come home because Brits are mean.

I think the most important thing I learned was that I won’t be able to pack the way I want to.  I’d been planning on taking a regular carry on suitcase, a big suitcase with everything else, and a purse.  But at some point halfway through the orientation I realized that once I have my big suitcase I’ll have two rolling bags to deal with, and just two tiny arms.  So I’ve been looking into getting a backpacking bag with an internal frame.  I’ve settled on a High Sierra Lightning 30L backpack.  Its toploading to keep out sticky fingers, blue so it’ll match my suitcase, yet small enough to fit in carryon bins.  In all I’m pretty pleased with everything but the $70 pricetag.  And apparently even that is pretty decent.

I am starting to get nervous about the flack I’ll take for being American, although I had thought that the UK was a bit better than some other places like France, but apparently not so much.  I’ll just have to hope that Swansea kids are cool and not like that one girl who made an accent tag and said she had never read a book in her life.

Anyway, orientation.  So after talking about culture shock and what to bring and what not to bring and eating some pretty weird pastries from a local bakery, we had country breakout sessions.  Basically we each went to a specific classroom where there were students from each country waiting to talk to us about what to expect when we arrived.  Wales was rolled in with England, understandably, since I was the only one going.  But then instead of having us all sit as a group and ask questions, however, they decided to break into city specific groups once we arrived.  I chose to sit with the Bristol group since it was the city physically closest to Wales of the list, but I’m beginning to think that was a mistake.  The girl literally skipped over me when we were talking about accomodations and only begrudingly came back to me when discussing majors.  Other than that, most of it was England specific, and though I’m sure there is some crossover of that knowledge, I mostly felt pretty gypped.  I mean, seriously, they couldn’t find a single student in all of Chico State who has been to Wales?  Oh well.

So basically not a lot to report yet.  I’ll keep posting.  Is anyone there?

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